1941/1942. The planning and execution of the evacuation operation. An extraordinary correspondence within the various departments of the UK Civil Service about what to do about 'the natives' could have been taken from a satirical novel by Evelyn Waugh Box 54 Unit ID: 4
1942/1943. Chinese labourers, evacuated from Nauru and Ocean Island, were taken to work at the wolfram mines in Central Australia. Conditions at the mine are described in vivid detail by Mrs. Briget Tothill, wife of the BPC doctor who went with them Box 54 Unit ID: 5
1947. On the initiative of Dr. Evatt a conference was held in Canberra to establish a South Pacific Commission. Includes a detailed report of the proceedings Box 54 Unit ID: 9
1953/1957. The new UK and NZ Commissioners seek to restrict the authority of the General Manager in financial matters Box 56 Unit ID: 1
1954. Report by R. Greene (BPC Admin) on the recruitment of Chinese Labour in Hong Kong. Compares BPC wage structures etc. with those paid elsewhere in the region Box 55 Unit ID: 1a
1955. BPC officials Bridges Greene pay a goodwill visit to Rambi. Report on the situation. Includes a report on the Banabans' economic situation by Carleen O'Laughlin, an Box 55 Unit ID: 7