Two Feet' 1994 Show Master Act 1 Tape 2 (1.Shrimping Dance, 2. Olga Barre I, 2. Olga Barre II, 4. Queen of the Plume, 5. Mepsie's Eisteddfod, 6. Sacre), 1994 Shelf-Tall OH2-9-005 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV005416 Date: 1994
'Two Feet' 1994 Show Master Act 2 Tape 1 (1. Blue Dance, 2. Rose Dance, 3. Olga Finale), 1994 Shelf-Tall OH2-9-005 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV005411 Date: 1994
Two Feet' 1994 Show Master Act 2 Tape 2 (1. Christmas Party, 2. Olga Walk), 1994 Shelf-Tall OH2-9-005 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV005414 Date: 1994
'Two Feet' 1994 Show Tape Act 2 Tape 2, 1994 Shelf-Tall OH2-9-005 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV005417 Date: 1994