Various papers including confidential proposal (Moffatt Oxenbould's annotated copy) press clippings, correspondence, proposed schedules, notes and personal correspondence relating to the merger between Opera Australia and the Victoria State Opera - proposed and "pushed through" by The Australian Opera Chairman Graeme Samuel, 1996 Box 13 Date: 1996
Various photographs of Dame Joan Sutherland and Richard Bonynge, detailed verso, mostly in costume but some private and snapshots, 1965-early 2000s Box 2 Date: 1965-early 2000s
Various pieces of correspondence and staging/program detail relating to the Gala performance given by The Australian Ballet and Opera Australia in the Opera Theatre of the Sydney Opera House on the eve of the Sydney Olympics - 14 September 2000, 1999-2000 Box 15 Date: 1999/2000
Various provisional cast lists, schedules and planning information for 1993 and future seasons, including some Opera Conference material, 1992-1993 Box 11 Date: 1992/1993
Voss Postcard Autograph from Jim Sharman on Voss Opening Night 01 March 1986 thanking Moffatt Oxenbould for faith and support; Autograph note from Stuart Challender to Moffatt Oxenbould Voss first night, 1986 Box 3 Date: 1986
Working papers, artist's allocations, revisions and detailed planning Opera Australia 1998 Season (pre and post-merger), 1997 Box 13 Date: 1997
Working papers, artists allocations, revisions and detailed planning The Australian Opera 1995 Season, 1992-1994 Box 12 Date: 1992/1994
Working papers, artists allocations, revisions and detailed planning The Australian Opera 1996 Season, 1994-1995 Box 12 Date: 1994/1995