Film scripts: (i) 2 copies typed treatment of 'How Are You?' (44p) submitted to the Australian Film Commission, May 1979. Parts of novel 'A Job for yaya' incorporated into submission. Plus some draft material: including typed draft character notes and Greek notes essentially by Wheatley, with some handwritten additions by Terry Larsen and Wheatley and translations of passages from Greek mantinadhes by Martin Johnston. (ii) Chopped fragments treatment 'How Are You?', with notes for first draft screenplay Box 4 (MS 9000) Unit ID: 28
Film scripts: Photocopies of cartoons by Patrick Cook, commissioned by Terry Larsen and Wheatley, as a way of opening up the written text of the film script. Drafts from stage after second draft screenplay Box 5 (MS 9000) Unit ID: 32
First draft: handwritten, in exercise book: April 1986; first typed draft, as sent to Donna Rawlins, April 1986 Box 12 (MS 9000) Unit ID: 69 Date: April 1986
Five Times Dizzy - Draft script episodes 1-6 with handwritten revisions, 1985 Box 1 (MS Acc05.061) Unit ID: 1 Date: 1985
Five Times Dizzy - Shooting script episodes 1-12 with typed amendments and location list, October 1985 Box 2 (MS Acc05.061) Unit ID: 2 Date: October 1985