The Library's summer opening hours are in place from Monday 23 December 2024 until Wednesday 1 January 2025 (inclusive). Before planning your visit, check our opening hours and temporary changes to collection access.
MS 8341 comprises personal and professional correspondence, original music scores and published musical works, contracts, itineraries, concert programs and posters, newspaper cuttings, reviews, publicity material, an autograph book, newsletters, biographical material and photographs. The collection also includes the typescript of an unpublished biographical work titled 'Behind the scenes: what the audience never knew: a conductor's reminiscences', another unpublished autobiography, 'Maestro down under: fifty years of music', an unpublished article by Thomas titled 'Orchestras in the 21st century', and a copy of his book, A conductor's musings (some thoughts in verse).As well as the Australian Broadcasting Commission and numerous theatrical companies, correspondents in MS 8341 include Aaron Copeland, Colin Brumby, Lyle Cresswell, John Curro, Don Banks, Sir Bernard Heinze, Henry Krips, Charles Lisner, William Lovelock, Ezra Rachlin, John Reid, David Stanhope, Peter Tahourdin and Larry Sitsky (24 boxes, 2 fol. boxes, 1 poster tube).