Papers of Peter Beilharz, 1974-2014 (39 MS Boxes) Unit ID: MS 10188 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1974/2014 Creator: Beilharz, Peter, Professor Physical Description: (39 MS Boxes)
PB/2B? ABC Radio 2000 Cathcart. 15/11/2000, 15/11/2000 Cassette-Box 866 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV018259 Date: 15/11/2000
Peter talk with Mathew and Dr Adams. 1993, 1993 Cassette-Box 866 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV018260 Date: 1993
Side A: ABC Radio Bernard. May 2005. Side B: 'Simple Dreams' album by Linda Ronstadt; 'Hasten Down the Wind', May-05 Cassette-Box 866 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV018262 Date: May-05
Side A: Unemployment Seminar 29/09/1993. Side B: Bauman, 29/09/1993 Cassette-Box 866 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV018258 Date: 29/09/1993
Side A: Various songs (listed on cassette). Side B: Julie Copland ABC Kamenka 1994?, 1994? Cassette-Box 866 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV018261 Date: 1994?