Neena's Gift, short story by Roberta Sykes; Eclipse - background notes to poems published in 1979; Black Women's Action Newsletter, 1987; job application - Mental Health Review Tribunal, 1995; review of article in Social Security Quarterly, 1976; review of article 'On the Nature and Spirit of the North American Political Systems', Russel Barsh, 1984; Mumshirl Foundation, Balance sheet and accounts, 1989; correspondence and essays - thesis, 1981, 1976-1995 Box 2 Unit ID: 11 Date: 1976/1995
Notebook from Harvard; notebook of poetry; notebook with list of books (read?);1974 Diary; 1993 Diary; wallet containing student ID's and business cards, 1970-1990 Box 3 Unit ID: 16 Date: 1970/1990