Photocopies of book reviews of works by Gollan: Radical and working class politics: a study of Eastern Australia, 1850-1910 (1960), The coalminers of New South Wales: a history of the union 1860-1960 (1963), The Commonwealth Bank of Australia: origins and early history (1968), and Revolutionaries and reformists: Communism and the Australian Labour Movement, 1920-55 (1975) Box 8 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 1
Photocopy of notes containing recollections of the Spanish Civil War (author unknown) (n.d.) Box 17 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 44
Post-War Reconstruction Seminar, Australian National University, 31 August 1981: minutes, notes and progress reports relating to the organisation of the seminar and a list of papers to be presented Box 11 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 5-6
Presentation of an Honary LL.D to C. Hartley Grattan, University of Texas, by the Australian National University, September 1977 for his public services in promoting interest in Australia in the United States of America. The file contains biographical information about Gratton and a copy of the citation for the award written by Gollan Box 10 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 5
Printed material in the form of pamphlets, journals and booklets on various subjects including Australian literature, Australian Labor Party (1973), uranium mining and the Vietnam War Box 19 (MS 9372)
Proposal by John Saville, University of Hull, England, for a Dictionary of Labour Biography, 1961 Box 15 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 21 Date: 1961
Proposal for the preparation of a guide to manuscript sources held in Great Britain and Ireland on Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, 1963-64. Gollan was Publications Officer at this time. The guide Manuscripts in the British Isles relating to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific was edited by Phyllis Mander Jones and published in 1972 Box 9 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 2