Old Left and Australian Historiography Seminar, School of History, Macquarie University, North Ryde, New South Wales, 3 December 1983: program and synopsis of papers by Frank Bongiorno, Frank Cain, Mark Hearn and Beverley Kingston. The file also contains promotional flyers for Gollan's book The myth of the level playing field, 1993 Box 12 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 7 Date: 1993
Paper by Stuart Macintyre 'Class against class' (n.d.) and miscellaneous issues of the National Times (9-14 December 1974 and 19-25 April 1981) Box 17 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 40
Papers by Jack and Audrey Blake: '1949-56 - Stalinism or independence', 'Past experiences of the Communist Party and some perspectives for the left' and 'Old places revisited' (Audrey Blake) Box 17 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 41
Papers by Peter Worsley: 'One world or three?' (1979) and 'The practice of politics and the study of kinship' (n.d.) and journal articles and lecture notes on the Cold War, 1950-65 Box 16 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 33 Date: 1950-65
Papers of Robin Gollan, 1920-2005 3.11 metres (22 boxes) Unit ID: MS 9372 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1920/2005 Creator: Robin Gollan Physical Description: 3.11 metres and (22 boxes)
Papers relating to the Australian Association for Socialist Studies including minutes of the inaugural meeting, May 1977, financial statement , May 1977 June 1978, suggested constitution for the association and Certificate of Incorporation of the Association Box 16 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 32