Papers relating to the Left Book Club, 1988-91. Included are agenda for meetings, financial statements, information brochures and a draft of a booklet by Abe David and Ted Wheelright ' Asian capitalism and the Australian working class' to be published by the Club Box 17 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 38-39
Papers: 'Some recollections of early history of ANU' (1983) and 'Hancock and history at the ANU' (n.d.) Box 10 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 8
Peace: subject file, 1950-58, consisting of journal articles on peace initiatives and the Australian Communist Party and transcripts of interviews with Jack and Audrey Blake, Bob and Ann Gollan, Bill and Marie Gollan, and Geoff Anderson relating to the peace movement and peace initiatives within Australia between the late 40s and mid 60s Box 14 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 16
Peace: subject file, 1950-65, consisting of notes and photocopies of issues of The Methodist and a photocopy of a pamphlet Exchange of letters between the Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Menzies, K.T., C.H., Q.C., MP and the Rt. Rev. J. S. Moyes, C.M.G., and certain archbishops and bishops Box 14 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 18
Peace: subject file, 1953-64, consisting of notes and photocopies from The Anglican and the Catholic Worker Box 14 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 19
Peace: subject file, 1960-63, consisting of notes and photocopies of journal articles and reports relating to peace initiatives within Australia including the setting up of peace committees Box 14 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 20
Peace: subject file, 1964, consisting of notes, photocopies of reports and papers from the Australian Congress for International Cooperation and Disarmament Box 15 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 22
Peace: subject file, 1965-66, consisting of notes and photocopies, minutes from the inaugural meeting of the Association for International Cooperation and Disarmament (NSW), March 1965 and statements relating to the Vietnam War Box 15 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 23
Peace: subject file, 1988-90, consisting of issues of the Australian Association for Armed Neutrality (February, April, 1988), Armed Neutrality Review (November 1988, July 1990) and Peace Dossier 10 Box 17 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 37
Photocopies of bibliographies and entries from the Australian National Bibliography. The subjects covered are Australian politics and government, economics, communism, trade unions and labour history Box 18 (MS 9372) Unit ID: 47