Draft (more just a print-out) of some sections of 'Mr Darwin's Shooter' when RMcD called the main character 'Gim' (which was a working title briefly). Dated 27 December 1996, but this date (and other dates further in to the text) overlap with the date of File E/4 which is 30 November 1996. That they are correct dates RMcD has no doubt (this is a problem with computer print-outs unless the author at the time of writing is thinking of archiving the drafts, which he is only thinking of now, 14 years later). (When RMcD says he 'decided to recast the entire novel' he was in NZ, and spoke to Rose Creswell who calmed him down: but he did make some structural changes. Successive print-outs show what he did) Box MS Acc11.031 Box 11 Unit ID: E/5
Draft of a novel called 'Goats', which had several earlier titles including 'The Hack Generalissimo' and 'Orion's Belt' recorded by RMcD as 'another version of this bloody novel that never did feel right to me'; see notes on cover of file in relation to dates, 1998-2000 Box MS Acc11.031 Box 18 Unit ID: H/2
Draft of 'The Slap' 11 July 1995 and revisions from 18 July onwards Box MS Acc11.031 Box 6 Unit ID: D/6
Draft of unpublished novel 'Orion's Belt' 17 November 1999 (File 2). Notes by Jack Hodgins, which, while encouraging, helped me to see that I should drop it; notes by Linda Funnell, then finally note by RMcD: 'novel abandoned after meeting with Linda Funnell and Jane Palfreyman, Random House (24 November 1999)' Box MS Acc11.031 Box 18 Unit ID: H/5
Draft of unpublished novel 'Orion's Belt' 1 June 1999 (File 1) Worked on this until November 1999 Box MS Acc11.031 Box 18 Unit ID: H/4
Drafts and final of review for Australian Literary Review (ALR) of Denis Macintosh shearing memoir, 'Beaten by a Blow' (Penguin, 2008) Box MS Acc11.031 Box 4 Unit ID: C/3
Drafts and final of talk, 'The Turkish Cap', given to Braidwood Historical Society 25 July 2008 Box MS Acc11.031 Box 4 Unit ID: C/2