Drafts and final (the Australian Literary Review, August 2009) of review by RMcD, 'The Ghost at the Wedding' by Shirley Walker Box MS Acc11.031 Box 3
Drafts March 1998 of review by RMcD, 'Invisible Men', for the Australian Literary Review, May 1998, with response by David Tacey. Review of 'Secret Men's Business' by John Marsden, 'Remaking Men' by David Tacey, 'Junk Male' by John Webb, 'Fathers in Writing', ed. Ross Fitzgerald and Ken Spillman Box MS Acc11.031 Box 3 Unit ID: B/10
Drafts of article for the 'Australian Author' on writing, 'The Song of the Pen', 2007 Box MS Acc11.031 Box 4 Unit ID: C/5
Drafts of a story, 'Family Radio', published in anthology 'Siblings', Allen and Unwin, 2009 Box MS Acc11.031 Box 4 Unit ID: C/1
Drafts of McDonald's script and transcript of an interview with Gwen Harwood for an ABC program 'Meet the writer Gwen Harwood', 1968 Unit ID: 4-5 Date: 1968