Printed poems of R.G. Howarth (1967-71), together with issues of The bulletin of the English Association, South African Branch (1958, 1960) Box 19 Unit ID: 161
Private correspondence regarding OBE awards for Doris Fitton and Elsa Chauvel, and assistance for Kathleen Agnew, daughter of Justice O'Connor, including letters of Robert Menzies and Sir Robert Garran Box 11 Unit ID: 96
Published articles by Sydney Tomholt: 'Davies of Woonsung' (1926) and 'Impressions of Australia' (1935) Box 14 Unit ID: 119
Published articles by Sydney Tomholt: 'Impressions of Australia' (1935); 'Night on the Gobi Desert' (1936); 'Searchlights' (1937); 'Compulsory games and physical training' (1937); 'Defence: Australia builds up her forces' (1939); 'Australia's expeditionary forces' (1940); and 'The Repertory Theatre in Sydney' (1941) Box 16 Unit ID: 141
Rees, Leslie. Towards an Australian drama (1953), with letters by Rees and notes inserted Box 18 Unit ID: 158
Review of 'Bleak dawn', miscellaneous correspondence and cuttings, typescript article 'Eastward-ho to the bells of Spanish romance' Box 9 Unit ID: 81