(7) Pressclippings [also unsorted, notes and correspondence, ephemera], 1970s-1980s Box 325 Date: 1970s-1980s
(9) Jones, Laura, Duplicated screenplay of The Playmaker, second draft, 1993, 103pp, 1992-1993 Box 311 Date: 1992/1993
A4 exercise books, lists, notes, pages of mss., c.50pp. completed. Mss. untitled Box 13 (MS Acc12.112)
Abraham Lincoln, 2 copies of proofs of Abraham Lincoln, 2002, 182pp, one with minor editorial queries; also copies of extracts, 2002 Box 250 Date: 2002
Abraham Lincoln: Author's edited manuscripts, 2002, 185; author's galley with corrections; author's response to copy editor's queries Box 253
Academic essay: synopsis of a thesis of Keneally's war novels; India, 8pp, 2011 Box 1 (MS Acc12.112) Date: 2011
A Deal in Aged Whisky. A Deal in Aged Whisky, Top copy with carbons of other pages, June 1974, 201pp Box 155