Short Pieces. Typescripts of articles 1991 re San Francisco 4pp, Los Angeles 3pp and London 3pp Box 209
Side 1: Julius Baume, Horowitz, Rebecca Bau and Helen Horowitz. Side 2: Helen Horowitz, Judge Moshe Bejski, Biberstein Cassette-Box 637 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV013477
Side A: Cricket ('this side only'). Side B: The Korns transcribed Cassette-Box 637 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV013474
Side A: Paul Page on Ghetto and Liquidation. Also Jacobovski, Bronia Horowitz etc. Side B: Mr Jakob Steinberg Cassette-Box 637 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV013476
Side A: Schindler research. Sattler Universal. April 1987, Apr-87 Cassette-Box 637 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV013478 Date: Apr-87