The Australian Break,. Computer printouts of sections of The Australian Break, a proposed TV mini-series, nd [presumed, bundle untitled] Box 105
The Australian Break. Drafts and notes re Catalpa (aka The Australian Break), including screenplay The Catalpa Conspiracy by Richard Dennison and John Edwards, nd, 176pp; feature film treatment The Catalpa, 1983, 36pp; screenplay, nd, author not identified Box 123
The Australian Break, script for television, c.500pp. (1986).[two bundles, possible identification only] Box 82
The Australian Break, scripts for 3 episodes, c.300pp. (1986). [Includes correspondnence from WA Bateman Channel 7, 1986, 3 bundles], 1986 Box 98 Date: 1986
The Australian Way' by Thomas Keneally for the AusCivics Film Festivals, 2010 Digital-Carriers-Box 91 Unit ID: NLA.MS-DM004461 Date: 2010
The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith. Photocopies of abridged versions of The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith and Bring Larks and Heroes for audio books with covering letter, 1p. (November 30 1987) [2 files] Box 97