Loose items of correspondence, including from Office of the Speaker, Seoul Korea, 1979 Box 80 Date: 1979
Loose unsorted papers includes extract of Bettany's Book, Hodder and Stoughton envelope and correspondence Box 257
Manila folder: marked, "various ms, letters with attachments", containing: a small bundle of email correspondence re obtaining a Russian visa (2006); a large bundle of professional correspondence, originals of faxes and incomings: sending, inviting, thanking, enclosing; c.100pp. (1998); printout of kinship of Thomas Keneally - name, dob, relationship with Keneally (19pp, 1999); ms: "Piece for Richard Tognetti's Seven Last Words", (clean printout, 1p., nd), "Skiing doggerel" (printout with minor corrections, (5pp., nd), "Lament for Jack Daley", clean printout (1p., 2003) with explanation, "folk song written to honour my father's death and in memoriam Uncle Johnny.", "In Memoriam, Leopold Page, 2001" (clean printout, 31pp., nd), 1998- Box 2 Date: 1998-