9 copies of the Sunbather featuring Moira Claux alone and with other women or girls. Relevant pages marked by Moira Claux, 1940-1950 Box 3 Unit ID: 10 Date: 1940/1950
Artistic nude photographs of Moira Claux and other young women., c. 1944-1954 Box 15 Unit ID: 64 Date: c. 1944-1954
Artistic photographs of Moira Claux and other young women on the beach, most likely taken by amateur photographers and possibly family members., c. 1944-1954 Box 15 Unit ID: 63 Date: c. 1944-1954
Cards and letters to Moira from Aunty Betty and Len, Uncle Eric and Doris, cousins Dianna and Ray and Julia, 1970s-1990s Box 5 Unit ID: 15 Date: 1970s-1990s
Cards, letters and celebratory greetings from friends associated with the Bodenwieser group. Box 7 Unit ID: 24
Compendium of play scripts -Various productions housed in a large green compendium folder, c. 1970-1990s Box 9 Unit ID: 39 Date: c. 1970-1990s
Copy photograph of Moira Claux's mother Molly Crick in the 1930's, photographer unknown Box 1 Unit ID: 5