19 December 1900 Reminder as to non payment of land tax (marked 'in Crown Solicitor's hands') Form 219
1 December 1911 Copy of Transfer of mortgage from executors of Flood's will to Thomas Flood. Original debt was £866.10. Admitted 5 November 1896 to debt of £866.10.
1 May 1877 Crude memo of Agreement for lease by JS. to John Conor of Cultivation paddock known as Dannal's paddock. At £40 per year. Termenable at 6 months notice.
1 October 1884 Agreement between James S and Benjamin casey leasing sufficient land for a steam sawmill, premises and right of way to saltwater creek. Term 2 yrs. Rent £5. Right of extension at £10. Casey agrees to buy all usable timber on Shannon Harbor estate at 4/- per tree felled payable monthly.