Address by Barry Jones to Australian Institute of Political Sciences National Conference, 27 May 1984 Box 1 (MS Acc22.001) Date: 27 May 1984
Address by DST to the Australian Computer Society, 21 October 1983 Box 1 (MS Acc22.001) Date: 21 October 1983
Alistair Thomson's University of Melbourne BA Hons thesis, 1982-1983 Box 7 (MS Acc22.001) Date: 1982/1983
Campbells of Auchinbrech, Knockmillie and Rockside on Islay, 1894-1899 Box 6 (MS Acc22.001) Date: 1894/1899
China /Japan Australian Parliamentary Delegation, January-March 1979 Box 1 (MS Acc22.001) Date: January-March 1979