Original maps, documents, photograph of a tennis party,c.1883 and a watercolour landscape. Piece 4 (MS 8600)
Original photograph of Henry Forde Scott and Laura Jane Rea with their ten children, 1899 Box 7 (MS Acc22.001) Date: 1899
Original photographs, as used in David Thomson's 'Childhood Memories 1924-1941', 1922-1954 Box 8 (MS Acc22.001) Date: 1922/1954
Overseas Study Tour, UK, Yugoslavia and Israel, June-July 1979 Box 1 (MS Acc22.001) Date: June-July 1979
Papers of the Thomson family, 1797-2017 3.85 metres (15 boxes, 1 phase box, 1 folder, 1 large folio box, 2 single map folio) Unit ID: MS 8600, MS Acc06.135, MS Acc22.001 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1797/2017 Creator: Thomson family Physical Description: 3.85 metres and (15 boxes, 1 phase box, 1 folder, 1 large folio box, 2 single map folio)
Parliament Oral History Project - Interview Judy Thomson, 4 August 1985 Box 2 (MS Acc22.001) Unit ID: 9 Date: 4 August 1985