Flora Standle (New Zealand Founders' Society, Whanganui) to Mrs Williams [Mitchell] enclosing story of Wairau massacre. (4p.), 1962-12-02 Date: 1962-12-02
G.A.Selwyn (New Zealand) to (?) re circumstances of Arthur's death. (Extract), 1843-07-06 Date: 1843-07-06
H.A.A(?) (London) to William (Wellington) introducing Mr Oates; New Zealand government bill; settlement of land question. (8p.), 6 May 1844, 31 Jan., 30 Nov. 1848 Date: 6 May 1844, 31 Jan., 30 Nov. 1848
H.A. A(?) (New Zealand House) to William Wakefield (Wellington) re representation for the colony 'the colony is sure to prosper', 1846-10-03 Date: 1846-10-03
Horace Fildes (Westport) to Mrs C.M.Wakefield re publication Stafford memories (3p.), 1925-02-23 Date: 1925-02-23
Letterbook (c80p.), 07 March 1804-14 June 1854 Unit ID: C Date: 1804-03-07/1854-06-14 Physical Description: 5 items
Letters from C.M.Wakefield to his mother (234p.), 14 February 1858-22 November 1873 Date: 1858-02-14/1873-11-22