1019 Colour rejects - Lesotho SCF, 1019 Lesotho SCF, 1018 SCF Sudan, 1018 rejects - S. Sudan, 1975 Box 106 Unit ID: 248 Date: 1975
1021 - SCF Upper Volta ; 1019 SCF Lesotho ; 1018 SCF South Sudan ; 1017 cornfield ; 1016 African Sanctus ; 1015 Clive etc ; 1010 TV Life encounter group ; 1006 Sarah Lawson, Patrick Allen ; 1005 Ray Barrett and family, 1974-1975 Box 190 Unit ID: 396 Date: 1974/1975
1024 Burke and Wills, 1021 SCF Sahel, Burkina Faso, 1021 SCF Upper Volta prints, 1021 Colour rejects - Sahel, Gorom-Gorom - Upper Volta, 1975 Box 106 Unit ID: 247 Date: 1975
1057 Papunya ; 1039 Xavier Herbert ; 1036 Miriam Stoppard ; 1035 Players cigs ; 1032 actress Julia ; 1029 Sydney tree ; 1028 Scollay/Tweeds ; 1027 Betty Viazim ; 1026 Ben Hall ; 1024 Burke and Wills ; 1023 Sir Jimmy Savile ; 1022 Joburg singer ; Foxhole Feb 75 ; 1056 Christmas 1975 ; 1050 Darwin ; 1040 SCF Papua New Guinea, 1975-1976 Box 189 Unit ID: 395 Date: 1975/1976
1983 bushfires (Victoria) ; Morocco ; Anna Creek Station ; Burkina Faso ; Philippines ; Ben London 1992 ; Burnham Burnham ; Corbis - Ghana and Togo ; UK fruit ; Uganda 2680 ; Canberra ; Arizona ; Corbis - celebrities including Bruce Oldfield, Germaine Greer, Beryl Bainbridge, Sheila Hancock, Andrew Morton, Kate Adie, John Cleese, Anita Desai, Cyril Cusack, Dr Timoci Bavandra, Susan Callow, King Constantine, Slim Dusty, Peter Yates, Malcolm Muggeridge, Carla Lane, Redmond O'Hanlon, Paul Simon - Gracelands tour Harare, Yoko Ono, John Lennon, Groucho Marx, Tony Blair, Helen Chadwick, Miriam Makeba ; Malawi ; Africa ; Bolivia ; 2697 Burma/Myanmar, 1970s-1990s Box 90 Unit ID: 213 Date: 1970s-1990s
2010 - Arnhem Land 1978 ; 2014 - Aborigines at Sydney Biennale 1979 ; 2021 - Arnhem Land 1979 ; 2022 - David Guppilil, Djoli Lewanga, David Blanasi, David Plummer ; 2058 - NSW land rights - Paul Coe, Isobel Coe, Gary Foley, Kevin Cook, Faith Bandler, Esse-Coffee, Barbara Flick, Isobel Flick, Ted Thomas, Gary Williams, Pat O'Shane ; 2093 - Alice Springs election, 1978-1983 Box 56 Unit ID: 128 Date: 1978/1983
2011 Canberra Dreamers - jobs 1060-2059 including Ernest Llewellyn, Bill Hawkey, General Morrison, Police Reg Kennedy, Lyall Gillespie, Jan Brown, police notice, trains, Gus restaurant, Sir Richard Kingsland, Don Matheson, Judith Wright, water, Charlie Perkins, tomatoes, Ian Mathews, Nugget Coombs, A.D. Hope, music, firemen, Ian Mathews, Max Purnell, Marcia Langton?, Manning Clarke, police, dolphin, New Year's Eve, Joy Warren, Kevin Chapman, Max Hill, Mungo McCallum, Bruce Redman, Prof Lowe, Susan Ryan, 1976-1980 Box 191 Unit ID: 398 Date: 1976/1980