Elizabethan Theatre, Newtown, Sydney (New South Wales); The Australian Ballet, 27 April 1973-15 May 1973 Date: 1973-04-27/1973-05-15
Elizabethan Theatre, Newtown, Sydney (New south Wales); Yūgen, 06 April 1973-25 April 1973 Date: 1973-04-06/1973-04-25
Elizabethan Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales); Gala program: Special program to mark the tenth anniversary of the formation of the Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust, 1964-09-29 Date: 1964-09-29
Empire Theatre. Edinburgh (UK); A Midsummer Night's Dream, 23 August 1954-11 September 1954 Date: 1954-08-23/1954-09-11
Empire Theatre, Edinburgh (UK); Edinburgh International Festival of Music & Drama, 1948-08-22 Date: 1948-08-22
Empire Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales); Tour of Australia and New Zealand, 1958-10-08 Date: 1958-10-08
Empire Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales); Tour of Australia and New Zealand 1958/59: The Rake, Façade, 1958-10-27 Date: 1958-10-27
Empire Theatre, Sydney (New South Wales); Tour of Australia and New Zealand 1958/5: Coppèlia, Façade, 1958-11-01 Date: 1958-11-01
ENSA Garrison Theatre, Bruges (Belgium); The Rake's Progress, Les Sylphides, 1945-03-29 Date: 1945-03-29