Australian British Chamber of Commerce. Financial Statements. 1984-1986. Roneod, 1984-1986 Box 7 Date: 1984/1986
Australian British Chamber of Commerce, New Zealand UK Chamber of Commerce, Papua New Guinea UK Chamber of Commerce: Accounts: 1994 (3 files), 1994 Box 8 Date: 1994
Australian British Chamber of Commerce UK. Report and Accounts. 1991-1997, 1991-1997 Box 7 Date: 1991/1997
Australian British Chamber of Commerce UK. Report and Financial Statements. 1987-1990, 1987-1990 Box 7 Date: 1987/1990
Australian British Trade Association. Accounts. 1963-1980. Typed and some signed, 1963-1980 Box 6 Date: 1963/1980
Australian British Trade Association. Financial Statements. 1981-1983, 1981-1983 Box 6 Date: 1981/1983
Australian British Trade Association Newsletter Christmas 1983; Australian British Chamber of Commerce Newsletter Autumn 1985, Winter 1987/88, 1983-1988 Box 8 Date: 1983/1988
Australian Business in Europe: Introduction to Australian Business in Europe. N.d. Leaflet, undated Box 9 Date: undated
Australian Business in Europe: Membership Directory and Handbook: 1993-1997, 2000, 2001/02, 2003/04, 1993-2004 Box 9 Date: 1993/2004
Australian Businessmen's Committee of the Australian British Trade Association: Minutes of meetings: Sept 1974 - Nov 1976, 1974-1976 Box 5 Date: 1974/1976