Appointment by Philip William Flower Esqre. of Alexander McDonald Esqre. to be a Trustee in the place of J.C. McLaren Esqre. deceased of a certain Indenture of Release and Settlement dated January 2nd. 1841. On a piece of land in Sydney, 1860-05 Date: 1860-05
Archibald McLachlan Esqre. Beilby Hawthorne and James Monckton Darlot Esqres. and A. McLachlan, Philip W. Flower and S.K. Salting Esqres. Copy Declaration of Trust, with a bundle of papers on the Nintingbool Estate, 1859-03-25 Date: 1859-03-25
Arthur Flower Esqre. in account with Messrs. Flower and Flower General account, 1905-1906 Date: 1905/1906
Articles of co-partnership between Philip William Flower, Severin Kanute Salting, John Henry Challis and Henry Flower Esquires under the respective firms of Flower Salting & Co. in Sydney and P.W. Flower & Co. in London, 1842-07-01 Date: 1842-07-01
(Attested copy of) Deed of settlement, P.W. Flower Esq., and others to J.C. Maclaren Esq. and others regarding a parcel of land in the parish of St. James Sydney, 01 January 1841-02 January 1841 Date: 1841-01-01/1841-01-02