When you are forced to flee - An interactive school pamphlet sponsored by UNHCR and others. Adapted from German and Swiss publications Box 52
Who are the hazards? Art and poetry - Life of Refugees in detention and living with TPVs. hazaras Ethnic Society in Australia Inc. Helen Browning and Hassan Ghulam, Eds, c. 2003 Box 50 Date: c. 2003
Woman as refugees and displaces person - Australian Law Reform Commission Report. Unattributed and undated (may be extract from larger document) Box 51
Women for A Humane Refugee Policy, Forum - The Treatment of Refugees in Australia, St Michael's Church, Melbourne, 16/02/2003 1 item Cassette-Box 514 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV10266 Physical Description: 1 item
Women for A Humane Refugee Policy, Forum - The Treatment of Refugees in Australia, St Michael's Church, Melbourne, 16/02/2003 1 item Cassette-Box 514 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV10267 Physical Description: 1 item
Woomera files, ACM Reports/Photos, Bakhtiyari documents (From Marilyn Shepherd Woomera) Contained in the Woomera folder. 1 item Digital-Carriers-Box 49 Unit ID: NLA.MS-DM002498 Physical Description: 1 item