Letter June McPhie to M. Mills re Convenor Greetings from DU Committee, 5 July 1977 Box 8 Date: 5 July 1977
Letter P. McDonald re accommodation, venue and time, to individual club presidents M. Thomas, E. Mooney, 2 April 1978 Box 8 Date: 2 April 1978
Letters from S. Parkinson asking for convenors to J. Nolan (Banquet), 31 October 1978, to H. Shakespeare (Floral arrangements) 1 November 1978 (with G. Willsford) to B. Townsend (Transport Committee) 6 April 1979 and letter from B. Townsend 28 March 1979 to G. Willsford 1 November 1978.
Letter SISWP Secretary mentions negotiations for Official Carrier, 26 June 1978 Box 8 Date: 26 June 1978
Letter S. Parkinson (Sec) to J. Johnson thanking for donation of shawl, 16 April 1979 Box 8 Date: 16 April 1979
Letters to S. Parkinson accepting convenor jobs, Gene Willsford floral arrangements, 20 December 1978, Jean Nolan Banquet 7 November 1978. Box 8