A South-West journey : a new programme of films of walking in the South-West Tasmanian wilderness, 13-14 August '76 at 7.30pm the Law School Theatre, Sydney Box 3 Unit ID: 185
Assesment in education : the problems and the alternatives. Teachers' Federation Auditorium, 8pm., Wednesday October 2. Box 3 Unit ID: 116
Australasian small press review. - Manly, N.S.W. : Second Back Row Press, 1975- 2v. (no. 1, 1975, no. 3, 1976) Box 2 Unit ID: 87
Australian government Glebe project : Information bulletin. - Glebe, N.S.W. : Australian Government, [19-]. 2 issues. Box 2 Unit ID: 88