Queensland's Women's Action Coalition Fund (QWAC) - Protection of unborn Child Bill, 1980-81 Box 3 (MS Acc99.169) Date: 1980-81
Questionnaires on career intentions filled out by female students from Deakin High School, Holder High School and Canberra High School. Produced by WEL (ACT) Education Action Group Box 30, 31 (MS 3683) Unit ID: 13-26
Records from WEL (Cairns) including newsletters, 1979 and 1983-84; addresses and articles, 1980; and cuttings Box 28 (MS 3683) Unit ID: 4
Records from WEL (Darwin) including WEL (Darwin) Newsletter, 1983-84; sWELter, 1984 and a letter, 1982 Box 28 (MS 3683) Unit ID: 2
Records from WEL (Qld) including WEL (Qld) Newsletter, 1983-85; minutes and agenda, 1980, letters, 1980-84 and a membership list Box 28 (MS 3683) Unit ID: 3