Apocalypse, no, uranium no, bases no, vote Communist, [1980] Piece POSTERS FC 340, POSTER 2023-4598 Date: [1980]
Artists for aboriginal land rights: an exhibition of works for sale by aboriginal and non-aboriginal artists, Paddington Town Hall, October 24 to November 1, 11 am to 8 pm, n.d. Piece POSTERS FC 340, POSTER 2023-4551 Date: n.d.
Assessment in education: the problem and the alternatives, [1973 - 1975] Piece POSTERS FC 340, POSTER 2023-4569 Date: [1973 - 1975]
Attica, Cinda Firestone's, an award winning film from inside Attica during the riot, 2 sided poster, at the back Poem of a morning on another planet, Mark Young, post - war, Laurie Duggan, [1974] Piece POSTERS FC 340, POSTER 2023-4588 Date: [1974]
Block, Long Kesh, demand political status, daily beatings, no visits, no letters, [1970 - 1972] Piece POSTERS FC 340, POSTER 2023-4594 Date: [1970 - 1972]
Break the grip of the multinationals, Jack Mundey for Chifley, vote communist, Democratic public control of economic and social affairs, [1978] Piece POSTERS FC 340, POSTER 2023-4601 Date: [1978]
British troops out of Ireland, no platform for Paisley, demonstrate Wed 19th Nov, 6.30 pm, 76 Hume H'way, Lansvale. Fri 21st 4 pm Martin Pl, [1975] Piece POSTERS FC 340, POSTER 2023-4593 Date: [1975]