17th Parallel - Vietnam - fields, factory, Wilfred Burchett with others, 17th Parallel illustrations, Pathet Lao battle, Laos, 1971 Box 8 Unit ID: 50 Date: 1971
17th Parallel - Vietnam - fields, factory, Wilfred Burchett with others, 1954-1956 Box 7 Unit ID: 49 Date: 1954/1956
1973 Hanoi, Tet of Peace, grasshoppers p. 177, welcome peace talk; Tet 1973 mixed; Tet 1973 welcome, church, streets; Tet 1973 US pilots and limo and B52;, 1973 Box 17 Unit ID: 25 Date: 1973
Angola, Huambo etc. ; Benguela Lobito Silva Porto, Angola coffee ; MPLA demos, Angola corpses portraits ; returnees Lubango, Alentejo (Portugal) cork harvesting, no hunting-fishing, Hiroshima monument maquette, Portugal - Carnation Revolution, Portugal, Portugal - Alentejo, 1970s Box 19 Unit ID: 60 Date: 1970s
Bandung 1955, Comrade W. Burchett, assorted business cards ; Burchett's press pass to United Nations dated 11 Dec 1968, Dormobile trip, Singles, personalities, women, 1950s-1960s Box 2 Unit ID: 9 Date: 1950s-1960s
Burchette - 40F', 'Burchette - 288' - Vietnam?, 'Documents of the United NLF-groups in Sweden' booklet, Wilfred, Mao, Kruschev?, Wilfred avec Chefs d'Blat, Grand Pere George, 1960s Box 3 Unit ID: 11 Date: 1960s
Cambodia 1980 - life returns Phnom Penh, PP victim photos, river fishing, big fish, two men, on the road, killing fields, Driver Phuong, Cambodia kids, WB [dance?] performance, peasants in fields, torture chambers, Phnom Penh, Cambodia/Vietnam border 1978? 1980? Girl with scar, Cambodia-Vietnam Border, Phi Lai, Tam Buu, 1980 Box 14 Unit ID: 15 Date: 1980
Cambodia - Phnom Penh, Mekong upstream, 17th parallel contacts, 17th parallel, Thai Nguyen March 1954, 1950s Box 8 Unit ID: 52 Date: 1950s
China 1972, Tachai, RFC, Kabul 1980, Japan - anti-war demonstration, Minamata, Cuba 1967/76, Nanking, Nanking observatory and S.Y. Sen memorial park, Monique and Chiang Ching, China 1972 - wheelbarrow tax, stone cutters, District opera (Linhsien) spectacle, 1967-1980 Box 15 Unit ID: 18 Date: 1967/1980