Refuelling an aeroplane, Australia?, approximately 1928 Folder 1 Unit ID: PIC/8575/12 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Ron Saw's Sydney: is he really just a fool?, Australia?, photographic reproduction of a newspaper article created approximately 1940 Folder 3 Unit ID: PIC/8575/156 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Schipol airport, Amsterdam, approximately 1928 Folder 1 Unit ID: PIC/8575/19 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Seats inside the Southern Cross, Australia?, approximately 1928 Folder 1 Unit ID: PIC/8575/46 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Southern Cross after landing in an airfield near a crowd, Australia?, approximately 1928 Folder 3 Unit ID: PIC/8575/158 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Southern Cross arriving at Essendon, Melbourne, approximately 1928 Folder 1 Unit ID: PIC/8575/38 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Southern Cross, Australia?, approximately 1928 Folder 1 Unit ID: PIC/8575/44 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Southern Cross exhibit for nation, photographic reproduction of newspaper article created approximately 1964 Folder 3 Unit ID: PIC/8575/164 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Southern Cross flying, approximately 1928, 1 Folder 1 Unit ID: PIC/8575/27 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Southern Cross flying, approximately 1928, 2 Folder 1 Unit ID: PIC/8575/28 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993