1021 - SCF Upper Volta ; 1019 SCF Lesotho ; 1018 SCF South Sudan ; 1017 cornfield ; 1016 African Sanctus ; 1015 Clive etc ; 1010 TV Life encounter group ; 1006 Sarah Lawson, Patrick Allen ; 1005 Ray Barrett and family, 1974-1975 Box 190 Unit ID: 396 Date: 1974/1975
10/22 - Commonwealth Bridge 5.30pm, 24 March 1963 Folder 2 (P1026) Unit ID: P1026/374 Date: 24 March 1963
1022 - View at Civic Centre, Canberra, ACT, n.d. Folder PIC Cold Store 9 (PIC/20272) Unit ID: PIC/20272/2504 Date: n.d.
1023 - Australian War Memorial, Canberra, ACT, n.d. Folder PIC Cold Store 9 (PIC/20272) Unit ID: PIC/20272/2505 Date: n.d.
1024 Burke and Wills, 1021 SCF Sahel, Burkina Faso, 1021 SCF Upper Volta prints, 1021 Colour rejects - Sahel, Gorom-Gorom - Upper Volta, 1975 Box 106 Unit ID: 247 Date: 1975