Album of Manuscripts of Australasian and Pacific Interest collected by Rex Nan Kivell, 1722-1961 0.12 metres (1 volume) Unit ID: MS 4246 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1722/1961 Creator: Rex Nan Kivell Physical Description: 0.12 metres and (1 volume)
Correspondence, 1819-1855, 1819-1855 0.03 metres (1 folder) Unit ID: MS 2045 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1819/1855 Physical Description: 0.03 metres and (1 folder)
Correspondence of George Rowe, 1852-1854 0.03 metres (1 folder) Unit ID: MS 3116 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1852/1854 Creator: Boucher, Vignette, Miss Physical Description: 0.03 metres and (1 folder)
Diary of Martin Edward Jull, from 9th February 1883 to May 1886, 1883-1886 0.06 metres (2 volume) Unit ID: MS 1575 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1883/1886 Creator: Jull, Martin Edward and Drake-Brockman, Henrietta Physical Description: 0.06 metres and (2 volume)
Ferguson collection of papers relating to World War I, 1914-1941 0.39 metres (2 archive boxes + 1 packet) Unit ID: MS 3637 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1914/1941 Creator: John Alexander Ferguson Physical Description: 0.39 metres and (2 archive boxes + 1 packet)
Journals and correspondence of the Macandrew Family, 1824-1895 0.18 metres (6 folders) Unit ID: MS 5521 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1824/1895 Creator: Francis Edwards Physical Description: 0.18 metres and (6 folders)
Letters, 1853-1880 0.03 metres (1 folder) Unit ID: MS 218 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1853/1880 Creator: Hampton, Thomas Physical Description: 0.03 metres and (1 folder)
Letters concerning Robert Horace Walpole, Earl of Oxford, 1870-1874 0.03 metres (1 Folder) Unit ID: MS 9110 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1870/1874 Creator: Julian Browning (bookseller) Physical Description: 0.03 metres and (1 Folder)
Letters from Richard Bowler of Brill, 1835-1843 0.09 metres (1 volume + 1 folder) Unit ID: MS 4253 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1835/1843 Creator: Rex Nan Kivell Physical Description: 0.09 metres and (1 volume + 1 folder)
Letters of Jane and David Cannan, 1853-1856 0.06 metres (1 folder + 1 packet) Unit ID: MS 401 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1853/1856 Creator: Cannan, Jane Dorothea, Cannan, David, and Johnson, Margaret Dorothea Physical Description: 0.06 metres and (1 folder + 1 packet)