Card index to Nottingham borough Quarter Sessions records: transportations, 1723-1858 Date: 1723/1858
Copy of deed poll and power of attorney between Ann Esam of Warrnambool and Richard Mason of Lincoln to receive shares under will of William English and Kathleen Shuttleworth, 1897-04-22 Unit ID: 139 Date: 1897-04-22
Correspondence between T.P. Foster (Sydney), C.M. Foster (Ulmarra), Haig and Heppenstall, Barraud, Regge and Jupp (London) and T. Bescoby, 1892-1893 Unit ID: 152-162 Date: 1892/1893
Correspondence of Sir Albert and Lady Atkey on their Tour of New Zealand (10 letters), 1936 Unit ID: 37 Date: 1936
Deed poll and power of attorney between George Johnson of Melbourne and John A. Ewen of London, 1876-10-30 Unit ID: 135 Date: 1876-10-30
Draft authority from Alfred Johnson of Nelson, New Zealand to J. Oldrid and T. Stafford to pay £50 to Charles Johnson, 1867 Unit ID: 130 Date: 1867