3' reel to reel audio tape, labelled, '1. Prime Minister Visit to Port Moresby July 197-', '2.S/P Games Tahiti, Sept 12th 1971'.
5' reel to reel audio tape, labelled, 'Funeral of Sir W. Churchill; Voice of Sir W. Churchill; The Sounds of Time.'
Audiovisual carriers - Cassette tapes read by Peta Toppano, 1996 Box 21 (MS Acc13.107) Unit ID: 154 Date: 1996
Audiovisual carriers - Pre-publication radio talk about re-writing of Leaning, 1994 Box 19 (MS Acc13.107) Unit ID: 135 Date: 1994
Beach possibilities - surf boats; marchers; girls; rock fishermen; spearmen Folio-Box 71 Unit ID: 420