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(33 ms boxes + 6 sound/av carriers + 4 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 9229 includes: 1. Correspondence with publishers, Gleeson's literary agent, Australian illustrators and children. 2. Drafts of Eleanor Elizabeth, I am Susannah, Dodger, Love me, love me not, One Sunday, Mum goes to work, Where's Mum?, Big dog, Uncle David, Sleep time, The princess and the perfect dish and of television scripts for "Bananas in pyjamas" and "Magic Mountain". 3. Other writings, reviews, publicity material, photographs, newspaper cuttings and material relating to the Melbourne and Sydney Writers' Festivals, Public Lending Right Committee, Children's Book Council of Australia. Principal correspondents are Aiden Chambers, Jenny Rowe, Larry Lucas, Naida Wheatley, Craig Smith, Armin Greder, Donna Rawlins and Jill Hickson (25 boxes).