The collection includes correspondence; papers relating to meetings; administrative and financial records; newsletters; press releases; cuttings; papers relating to study tours; papers relating to conferences; journals and journal articles; and ephemera.
(104 ms boxes + 2 large folio box + 1 medium folio box + 2 binders + 2 folio packets + 2 digital carriers)
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Collection comprises research notes, drafts, correspondence, 16 mm films, negatives, slides, and over 3,000 photographs relating to Keith Meggs' books titled 'Australian-built aircraft and the industry' (volume 1-3). The publications contain information on every aircraft type proposed, designed, or manufactured in Australia, from 1884 to the mid-1980s. Keith Meggs published several authoritative works on Australian aviation and is internationally recognised for his contributions to aviation and its recorded history.
1.89 metres(3 archive boxes + 6 ms box + 1 medium folio box)
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Papers relate to Rofe's work in upper-atmosphere research and in the application of space techniques to meterology and earth service. They consist of unclassified correspondence, telegrams and memoranda from within the Department of Supply and with outside research organisations. There are also photographs taken at his retirement from Salisbury, papers relating to his work with COSPAR and ICUMA and files and reports on his various overseas trips. A second installment of papers relate to Rofe's services in the R.A.A.F. during World War II and his work at W.R.E. Salisbury and the Australian Antarctic Division, Melbourne. They include an Allied Geography of the South West Pacific area 1943; correspondence, typescript and published articles by Rofe and others, and notebooks relating to upper atmosphere research; newspaper clippings and photographs of the launching of WRESAT I and photographs of his retirement in 1970. The papers relating to the Antarctic Division include roneoed newsletters, a typescript article entitled 'Nine days alone on the Gotley Glacier,' newspaper clippings and photographs and slides of a trip to the Antarctic in 1970. Collection also contains letters of condolence including letters from Sir Kenneth Anderson, P. M. Twiss, J. H. Dolphin, and P. Duff; photographs taken at overseas conferences, of Carnarvon, W.A., family photographs, an M.B.E. medal and other miscellaneous items. Many of the photographs in this second consignment were annotated by Mrs. Rofe. Additionally there are approximately 2000 letters written by Bryan Rofe and his wife Patricia (nee Whitford) during World War II, that describe the events taking place in their daily lives. Bryan Rofe served in the RAAF Meteorological Service and was posted to Timor as a RAAF Flying Officer. In 1942, Rofe was placed in command of a group of 29 Australian servicemen who, for 58 days, evaded the Japanese invasion of Timor before being picked up from a beach at night by the submarine USS Searaven. Rofe's grandson Tom Trumble, wrote the book 'Rescue at 2100 Hours: the untold story of the most daring escape of the Pacific war' based on information found in these letters along with diaries of Rofe and other servicemen and wartime records. The collection also includes a photo of the US submarine USS Searaven signed by the officers and crew of the submarine; a 1943 portrait photograph of Bryan Rofe as a Squadron Leader in the RAAF; telegrams, poems, photographs and drawings.
MS 9673 includes correspondence, drafts, printed and research material, interview transcripts and other papers, relating to Ann Moyal's writings and research interests (3 boxes).
MS Acc11.034 comprises papers collected by Mason during the writing of a book on Australian oologists, 1835-2009. They consist largely of an alphabetical sequence of files containing information on approximately 250 egg collectors, including personal details, photographs, correspondence, family histories and lists of egg clutches they collected.MS Acc22.028 comprises reference material that Ian J. Mason collated and created for use in: "Passions in Ornithology: A Century of Australian Egg Collectors. And Passions in Ornithology: A Century of Australian Egg Collectors (Supplementary Edition)". It includes: biographical accounts of egg collectors; photographs, negatives and prints relating to birds and egg collecting including an album of bird photographs from Norman Chaffer and J. Ramsay; correspondence, notes, articles and egg data cards and among others.
(11 ms boxes + 2 medium folio boxes + 1 large folio box + 4 map folios)
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The collection features correspondence, music scores, artworks, manuscripts, printed and published works and related papers. The correspondence is primarily with composers, music scholars and musicologists, as well as scientists working in the field of robotics.
This collection comprises correspondence, diaries and papers documenting Densey Clyne's personal and professional life including: published and unpublished articles, poetry, fiction and nonfiction writings; diaries; drafts of talks and presentations; screenplays for film and television documentaries; original drawings for publications; photographs; and correspondence with family and friends including Jim Frazier, Dr. Barbara York Main, Martyn Robinson, Alastair Fothergill, Mike Gunton and Sir David Attenborough. Included is also: correspondence between Peter and Densey Clyne; Peter Clyne birth, marriage and divorce certificates, passports and educational certificates; articles by and about Peter Clyne; and Densey Clyne's diary entries pertaining to Peter Clyne.
The collection comprises two detailed manuscript ledgers from Otto Boettger's practice as an optician (1886-1894), together with one volume of approximately 275 bound invoices, chronologically arranged, covering importations for his extensive engineering, surveying, optical and scientific instruments business (1892-1900). It presents a collection of unique records documenting a specialised profession in colonial Australia. The first ledger (20 October 1886 -15 July 1892), contains 21 pages of index and 102 pages of the ledger proper. Each page is designed to record the details of nine patients and the last entry is numbered 916. The second ledger (16 July 1892- 19 December 1894), contains 39 pages of index and 298 pages of the ledger proper, with each page containing details of seven patients (approximately 2086 individual records). The ledgers contain the name of the patient, often the address, the date of the consultation, the referring doctor, the prescription for the lens for each eye, and more often than not, specific details of the spectacle lenses or frames e.g. pale blue periscopic lenses / gold frame / twisted curled sides; Gold Pince-nez, Canadian; pantoscopic frame; and extra small children's frame made to order.
(1 medium folio box + 1 large folio box + 1 map folio)
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The collection comprises papers of Ernest Henry Stanley, who was an Australian railway engineer and writer, and includes correspondence with the editor of The Bulletin magazine, correspondence with the former Australian Prime Minister Andrew Fisher, correspondence and photographs regarding the New Australia settlement in in Paraguay, photographs of various places and railways in South America, genealogy reports regarding Stanley's family history; plus newspaper clippings, diary, documents and publications relating to Stanley's career.
The collection comprises predominately field notes from Australian geologist and geochemist Professor Ian McDougall's research in Australia, New Zealand, Ethiopia, Brazil, Kenya, USA, Canada, Mauritius, Thailand, China, and Europe. The collection also includes personal correspondence to family members detailing his journeys and field work and also some transparencies from his field work in Lord Howe Island, Iceland, China and Kenya.