Program of Memorial Service for the officers and men of HMAS Australia, St Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, 6 April 1945 Unit ID: 19 Date: 6 April 1945
Proposal by Premier William McKell to appoint Armstrong Governor of New South Wales, 1945-1946 Unit ID: 24 Date: 1945/1946
Visit by HMAS Australia to England, July 1945, including speeches by Armstrong at receptions by Lord Mayor of Portsmouth and Lord Mayor of London; together with Armstrong's speech on the departure of Chief of the Australian Naval Staff, Admiral Sir Louis Hamilton, February 1948 Unit ID: 22 Date: February 1948
Visit by HMAS Australia to New York, June 1945, including notes for a speech by Armstrong and a transcript of his participation in a radio re-enactment of the final action between HMAS Australia and Japanese suicide planes in the Philippines Unit ID: 21