A book of answers (published 1978) - original typescript and covering letter, 1979 Unit ID: 739 Date: 1979
Address at Brennan Society dinner, 1 November 1976. Talk on James McAuley. Lecture 'Classicism and modernism in Australian poetry', University of New England, 21 November 1976. Lecture 'The ladies' team', Armidale 1976. Readings ANU Convocation, July 1976. Address at Convocation University of Melbourne, 31 July 1976. Preface to book by Anne Fairbairn Unit ID: 108
Address at the University of N.S.W, April 1974. Preface to The touch of silk. Article, 'Australian writing since 1919', for University of Texas publication, December 1973 Unit ID: 118
Address, 'The technique of rhyme', Wormwood Guild, University of Sydney, 24 October 1962. Address, 'The solitary land: perception and poetry', Melbourne Literary Club, 1966. Notes, 'Penalties and restrictions: an opinion on censorship, marxism, etc.' 1954-1966. Talk, 'As well as they can', University of Sydney, 10 October 1969 Unit ID: 132
A diary kept by Hope's father during service as an Army Chaplain during World War I, c. 1914-1918 Unit ID: 334_336 Date: c. 1914-1918
Alan Gould 1979-1980 - see also File 24, Hartley Grattan 1978-1979, Dorothy Green 1980-1987 - see also Files 25-26, Benny Gurewica 1981-1986, R.S. Gwynn 1987 Unit ID: 396