MS 7168 comprises letters to family, Australian and overseas writers, artists and others; drafts of published and unpublished works with background material (notes, photocopies and cuttings) relating to those works; and, diaries including trip diaries. Lindsay's letters are arranged chronologically with alphabetical indexes. Much of the collection comprises papers arranged by Lindsay according to his activities, especially publication projects, including books on William Blake, Gustave Courbet, William Hogarth, William Morris, and J.M.W. Turner, and interests in subjects such as alchemy, anthropology, art, Marxism and science.
The archive includes Penny Tweedie's photojournalist activities including war and conflicts in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The archive documents her interraction with Aboriginal Australia beginning in 1975 leading to a number of published works and the 1999 Walkley Award for photojournalism.
This collection comprises extensive research files for books published by Tim Bonyhady from the 1970s to 2010. Included are copies of newspaper and journal articles; a small quantity of colour photographs, negatives and transparencies pertaining to the Burke and Wills expedition and Colonial art; edited typescripts, handwritten notes, and correspondence with readers and fellow academics. The collection also includes files relating to the environmental law and the Australian Conservation Movement, such as legal documents, scientific studies, assessments, conference papers and review submissions; records relating to the Environment and Natural Resources Committee; and records relating to the Independent Review of the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, along with associated correspondence with members of the task force.
MS 4809 comprises personal and business correspondence, cuttings, notes, diaries, photographs, notebooks and reviews of some of Humphrey McQueen's books. There is also research material, drafts and typescripts relating to A new Britannia (1975), Social sketches of Australia, 1888-1975 (1978), The black swan of trespass (1979), Gone tomorrow (1982), Social sketches (1991), Tokyo world (1991), Japan to the rescue (1991), Tom Roberts (1996), Suspect history (1997), Temper democratic (1998) and The essence of capitalism (2002). The collection also includes papers relating to McQueen's activities as a visiting lecturer and to the 1998 exhibition and conference "Typically? Australian" held at the Brisbane City Gallery.The major correspondents include Neil Beckhaus, Ruth Blair, Clem Christesen, Peter Curtis, Jenny Darling (McQueen's agent), Tom Fitzgerald, Dorothy Green, Nick Jose, Joan Kerr, Henry Mayer, Brian Laver, Kathy Lette, Caroline Lurie, Stephen McDonald, Ben McGuire, Judy McQueen, Nicholas Pounder, Graham Rowlands and Walter Struve. The subjects of the correspondence include McQueen's work as a freelance writer, book reviewer, art critic and independent scholar, his travels, comments on politics, operas, concerts, art exhibitions, books he read and personal news (101 boxes, 1 fol. item).The Acc10.152 instalment consists of typescripts (some annotated), correspondence, newspaper clippings and ephemera. Significant projects include Hiding to nothing (collaboration with Tony Twigg, Sarah de Jong and Euan Upston); Only joking: a play in two acts; A framework of flesh: Builders' Labourers battle for health and safety; A new Britannia; Social sketches of Australia; and, the Socialist Alliance. Significant correspondents include Bernard Smith, Judy McQueen, Walter Struve, Chris Wallace-Crabbe, Christos Tsiolkas, Kathy Lette, Caroline Lurie, Jack Mundey, Lindsay Fraser, Kathy Bail, Greg Mackie and Ruth Blair (6 boxes).The Acc16.001 instalment consists of an unpublished novel typescript on Tom Roberts, appointments diaries, and correspondence.The Acc18.097 instalment consists of personal and work correspondence between Humphrey McQueen and others, drafts of papers to be published, and radio scripts.The Acc21.016 instalment consists of correspondence with Bruce McFarlane (weekly exchanges), Ted Reithmuller, Peter Lyssiotis. General correspondence including with the ABC. Copies of speeches and a living obituary for Bruce McFarlane.
(113 ms boxes + 2 elephant folios + 1 large folio +1 archives box + 3 large folio boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 8680 comprises correspondence, principally with Jack Lindsay, 1979-1988, handwritten drafts, notes and typescripts of talks, lectures, addresses, book reviews and articles. There are a large number of drafts of articles, later published in journals and newspapers such as Meanjin, Art and Australia and the Age.
The bulk of the papers relate to Hill's published works, forming a comprehensive record of his literary career. There is research material, notebooks, manuscript and typescript drafts, galley and page proofs, correspondence and letters from readers. Major correspondents are Rosemary Creswell (Hill's agent), Max Harris and the numerous publishers with whom Hill dealt. There is a small group of drafts of unpublished short stories, plays and poems and cutting books containing copies of newspaper and journal articles by and about Hill, including reviews of his books.MS Acc12.120 comprises typescript manuscripts, proofs, drafts, outlines, story files, research notes, diaries, ephemera, posters and correspondence relating to Anthony Hill's publications, primarily "Animal Heroes", "Captain Cook's Apprentice" and "The Story of Billy Young".
(32 medium folio-boxes + 3 large folio-boxes + 47 phase boxes + 5 map folios + 1 ms box + 1 poster roll + 2 sound/av carriers + 1 digital carrier) (3 large folio boxes + 6 map folios with an additional 9 digital carriers + 6 analogue carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes sketches, artworks and models for many productions over a wide period of time. The bulk of the papers are arranged by production, with a small amount of other material, such as unspecified sketches, posters and postcards. The 2017 addition comprises materials from the final years of Kristian Fredrikson's theatre, film and television career and includes drawings, plans, model pieces, ephemera, personal notes and diary.
The National Advocates for Arts education (NAAE) is the peak organisation for arts education in Australia. NAAE was formed in 1989 following a long process of arts education research and projects from the 1970s onwards. This collection comprises organisational records including meeting minutes, correspondence, submissions and public statements.
This collection comprises reproduced images of Rupert Bunny's sketchbooks with David Thomas' notations identifying related paintings, as well as reproductions of oil paintings, drawings, research papers, and exhibition catalogues. It also includes reproductions of oil paintings and sketchbooks by the artist Frederick McCubbin.