White, Samuel (1835 - 1880); White, William (1837 - 1931); White, Samuel A. (1870-1954) Box 49 (MS Acc11.034)
White to Arthur W. Swindells [1: 1914] - this file; Copy of 2 letters to A.E. Ey (Qld), ca1980s; Judy White to Ian J. Mason [1: 2008] Box 49 (MS Acc11.034)
Whittell to Roland S. Miller [7: 1933-1944] - originals in Miller file; Edith Whittell to Ian J. Mason [1: 2006] Box 50 (MS Acc11.034)
Why Emigrate? - Memoirs of Otto and Molly Szkoloczi -1938 -1948, Marina Tyndale - Biscoe, 1998 Box 11 (MS 10762) Unit ID: 85 Date: 1998