(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Moline by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Copies of BDM certificates pertaining to the Moline family Box 38 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Pottenger by Mason Pfitzner Box 42 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Ratzburg by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Death certificate and several miscellaneous publications relevant to Ratzburg's background Box 42 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Rhodes by Mason Pfitzner Box 43 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Robinson by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Copies of BDM certificates, obituaries and relevant publications; (c) Copies of egg data records, mainly of cuckoo clutch combinations from the NMV, Melbourne Box 43 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of the Claridge by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Obituaries and various BDM certificates relevent to Claridge's family tree Box 13 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches he collected] of Woodland by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Photograph of his headstone at the Clermont cemetery, Qld Box 51 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches they collected] of the 'Sharps' by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Copies of BDM certificates (7) relevant to the Sharp family; (c) Copies of obituary notices and notes, etc relevant to the Sharp background - including a copy of the following: NLA (MS 1987: George Sharp, manuscript papers 1916-1938), Canberra Box 46 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches they collected] of the Watts by Mason Pfitzner Box 48 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [including family tree and a list of egg clutches they collected] of the Wiburd brothers by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Obituaries of the Wiburds and relevant DBM notices Box 51 (MS Acc11.034)