(a) Biography [including family tree] of Evered by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Three BDM notices relevant to Evered's genealogical section Box 19 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Ferguson by Mason Pfitzner Box 19 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Frizelle by Mason Pfitzner; (b) Obituary and reference material pertaining to egg records by Frizelle Box 20 (MS Acc11.034)
(a) Biography [list of all the egg clutches he collected] of Fuller by Mason Pfitzner Box 20 (MS Acc11.034)
A bright and savage land: scientists in colonial Australia, Collins & Mead & Beckett - contracts, correspondence, permissions and illustrations, launch, reviews, letters, corrections, CJ Dennis award 1986, 1984-1987 Box 2 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 6 Date: 1984/1987
A bright and savage land: scientists in colonial Australia, Penguin - contract, correspondence and reviews, 1991-1994 Box 2 (MS Acc10.143) Unit ID: 7 Date: 1991/1994
Abstracts, program, AGM papers and other correspondence relating to the 1962 APS meeting at the University of Melbourne, May 1962 Box 1 (MS 10595) Unit ID: 8 Date: May 1962
Abstracts, program, AGM papers and other correspondence relating to the 1963 APS meeting at the Australian National University, Canberra, February 1963 Box 2 (MS 10595) Unit ID: 10 Date: February 1963
Abstracts, program and AGM papers relating to the 1961 Australian Physiological Society meeting at the University of Queensland, May 1961 Box 1 (MS 10595) Unit ID: 6 Date: May 1961