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Papers of Judith Cohen, 1938-1996

0.73 metres (4 boxes, 6 folio items)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes business as well as family papers. The bulk of the business papers document Cohen's career from the time of her appointment as a Commissioner of the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission in 1975.
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Papers of Ian Turner, 1948-1979

15.8 metres (113 boxes + 14 folios)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises a large quantity of correspondence, consisting of letters from his family, academic and literary associates, friends, publishers, numerous organizations and reflects his wide interests. Copies of many of his own letters are included. There are drafts and background material relating to his own books: Cinderella dressed in yella; Sydney burning; In union is strength: a history of trade unions in Australia; The Australian dream; The depression of the 1930s; Peter Lalor; Industrial labour and politics: the labour movement in Australia, 1900-1921.

Papers of Patricia Clarke, 1887-2015

(76 ms boxes + 1 carton + 9 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises correspondence, drafts and research material relating to Clarke's books The governesses: letters from the colonies 1862-1882; A colonial woman? the life and times of Mary Braidwood Mowle, 1827-1857; Pen portraits, women writers an journalists in nineteenth century Australia; Pioneer writer: the life of Louisa Atkinson; Tasma: the life of Jessie Couvreur; Life Lines: Women's letters and diaries, 1788-1840 (Patricia Clarke and Dale Spender) and Rosa! Rosa! A life of Rosa Praed, novelist and spiritualist.. The collection also comprises material relating to Clarke's role as editor of Judith Wright's autobiography, Half a lifetime, published in 1999, including material from Judith Wright, correspondence, notes, drafts and reviews; research material on proposed writing on wartime censorship; research material for the chapter on Government House in Gables, ghosts and governors-general: the historic house at Yarralumla, Canberra; correspondence, notes, drafts and reviews relating to Clarke's role as co-editor, with Meredith McKinney, of The equal heart and mind: letters between Judith Wright and Jack McKinney (2004) and With love and fury: selected letters of Judith Wright (2006); papers relating to Steps to Federation (2001), which Clarke edited; Australian dictionary of biography research material, correspondence and drafts; and other papers relating to Clarke's PhD. thesis, articles and talks; correspondence, minutes and other records documenting Clarke's roles in the Independent Scholars Association of Australia, the Canberra and District Historical Society and other organisations, between ca. 1950-2010, and papers relating to her Medal of the Order of Australia.
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Papers of Meryl Tankard, 1970-2015

(115 boxes + 21 map folios + 3 oversize poster rolls)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 9940 documents Meryl Tankard's career from her early engagement with The Australian Ballet and her work with the Pina Bausch Tanztheater Wuppertal to her later independent and collaborative freelance projects up until 2002. It includes programs, press clippings, photographs and conceptual and production notes for works created by Tankard, particularly Echo Point (1984), Travelling Light (1986), Two Feet (1988), The Deep End (1996) and Deep Sea Dreaming (2000) for the Sydney Olympics opening ceremony. A significant component of the collection is business documents and correspondence relating to the activities of the Meryl Tankard Company and Meryl Tankard Australian Dance Theatre (29 boxes + 2 map folios).

Papers of Barbara Palmer, 1999

(1 MS box)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises papers from the 1st Australian Tribunal on Women's Human Rights, Melbourne 21 May 1999, organised by The Women's Rights Action Network (Australia). The papers include testimonials, funding proposals, reports and colour photographs. It also includes papers relating to a Cartoon Exhibition held on 14 May 1999, which was preliminary to The Tribunal.
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Records of the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material., 1972-2009

(31 MS Boxes + 9 Archive Boxes + 1 Packet)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 6559 comprises the records of the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) consisting of minutes of Council meetings; financial records; correspondence; documents and submissions relating to the Committee of Inquiry into Museums and National Collection; papers for the conferences including "Conservation in Australia", held in 1976 in Canberra and "Conservation of Rock Art" held in 1977 in Perth, W.A.; and, records of regional divisions in A.C.T., Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania (40 boxes).
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Records of the Australian Library and Information Association, 1973-1975

(313 boxes, 9 cartons, 2 folio boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The records include correspondence, minutes of meetings, annual reports, agenda papers, financial records, press cuttings, news releases, records on constitutional matters, some personal papers of office bearers and printed material.
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Papers of Peter Groenewegen, 1923-2018

2.1 metres (14 ms boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
Comprises papers relating to Groenewegen's career and family. Included is professional and family correspondence; research materials; drafts of articles, lectures and other writings; papers relating to his book on Alfred Marshall entitled A soaring eagle; news cuttings; family papers and juvenilia; and ephemera. Correspondents include Heinz Arndt, Bob Hawke, and P.P. McGuiness.
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Records of the Australian Federation of Graduate Women, 1922-2012, 1922-2012

18.6 metres (105 boxes + 6 cartons + 1 folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 9592 comprises administrative records of the Australian Federation of University Women. The collection includes minutes of Council and committee meetings, committee papers, correspondence, membership lists, conference reports, financial papers and publications of the Australian Federation of University Women, International Federation of University Women and various national associations (91 boxes, 2 cartons, 1 fol. box)
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Papers of Leonard Brokenshire Curnow, 1948-1981

1.29 metres (3 folios)
Abstract Or Scope
The bulk of the material relates to Curnow's work as an administrator in various sporting organisations in Australia. The papers also provide an insight into his work as a professional engineer with various government agencies, such as the Victorian State Railroad, and the Australian Department of Administrative Services, formerly the Department of Supply.