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Overseas ephemera collected by Michael and Jamie Kassler for the National Library of Australia, 1970s, 1970-1979

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Materials in this collection include printed ephemera such as bookmarks, brochures, leaflets, posters, tickets. The material cover topics including robotics and computer-based setting of music notation.

Papers of Henry Whittingham, 1851-1859

(1 ms box)
Abstract Or Scope
1. Diary, 15 September 1851-29 July 1852. 2. Notebook/diary, January-May 1853, which describes his voyage to Australia, arriving in Sydney on 15 May on board the "Duke of Wellington". 3. Notebook/letterbook, 1853-59, which gives details of Whittingham's work as a Sydney commercial clerk, and later as a bank manager in Maitland. 4. List prepared by Colin Roderick.
1 result

Papers of Jim Taylor, 1913-1939

0.60 metres (1 large folio box)
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Papers of Jim Taylor, including his journals, 1933- , patrol reports and a map, relating to his work as a Kiap in Papua New Guinea.
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Harry Lyon Map Collection, 1902-1925

14 items in 1 map folder
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United States hydrographic charts with manuscript plots by Harry Lyon, navigator for the record-breaking journey of the Southern Cross crossing of the Pacific Ocean from Oakland, California to Brisbane in 1928, captained by Charles Kingsford Smith.

Collections held by the Hull Local Studies Library (as filmed by the AJCP), 1844-1898

6 items
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Notes 1895 of William Richardson on early history of Missions to South Sea Islands.

Extracts of the Armagh County Museum (as filmed by the AJCP), 11 December 1852-29 April 1853

2 items
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1) Raeburn manuscripts. 6 p. Typescript account of a voyage to Australia 1852-53. The journal, probably written by Samuel Pillow, concerns the voyage of the emigrant ship Digby. Mentions some of the Irish passengers by name and gives brief descriptions of events on board ship and on arrival in Melbourne.

Papers of Bruce Gyngell, 1993-2000

(1 Folder)
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Photographs, betacam tape of Rock Eistedfodd inserts, June 1998, and a copy of the memorial service for Bruce Gyngell held at St Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney, Oct. 20, 2000.

Records of the Paymaster General Office (as filmed by the AJCP), 1822-1823

1 item
Abstract Or Scope
The records chiefly concern expenditure of the armed forces, and the payment of pensions, superannuations, allowances and bounties. The Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP) copied select items relating to the Army establishment in Australia (PMG 1).

Panoramas and photographs of Sydney [picture] / Bernard Otto Holtermann, ca.1875

photographs : albumen
Abstract Or Scope
Panoramas of Sydney harbour; views of the harbour foreshores and city and suburban scenes.
1 result

Papers of Ali Kazak, 1950-2010

0.75 metres (5 ms boxes + 4 folders + 2 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
Original instalment (MS 8916) comprises copies of press reports, media releases and speeches about Palestine, the Palestine Liberation Organisation, and the activities of its representative in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. The collection also includes photographs, a copy of The Jerusalem question, edited by Ali Kazak (1997), a curriculum vitae of Kazak and other papers (5 boxes).