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Papers of Vance and Nettie Palmer, 1850-1966

1.68 metres (6 archive boxes + 1 large folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
The greater part of Vance and Nettie Palmer's papers including most of their correspondence from well-known literary figures is housed at MS 1174.
1 result

Records of the Australian Women Pilots' Association, 1950-2005

(1 folder + 2 folio boxes + 3 map folios)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 1985 chiefly comprises eight scrapbooks of newspaper cuttings collected by the Australian Women Pilots' Association about women fliers, particularly in Australia during the 1950s and 1960s. The collection also includes newspaper cuttings, letters and photographs relating to Jean Batten's visit to Australia and New Zealand in 1970. A photocopy of an article on Pat Toole, and her flying in the Territory of New Guinea, is included. There is also the Charter that records the pilot licence numbers and signatures of foundation members of the Association who were present at the inaugural meeting held at the Royal Aero Club of New South Wales on 16 September, 1950.

Papers of Dame Nellie Melba, 1907-2000

(2 folders + 3 folio-packets + items in Security Binder)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 9331 comprises the following items: Thirty undated letters written by Nellie Melba to her friend Lady Susan Fitzclarence, ca. 1908-1917, from Australia, New Zealand, London, Paris and New York; several photos, including two large autographed photos of Melba; three menus, all dated 1917, autographed by Melba and her fellow diners, including Charlie Chaplin; programmes from several of Melba's concerts, including the Grand Melba Concert at Royal Albert Hall on 7 May 1910 and her farewell concert tour in 1926; a small number of press clippings relating to Melba; a typescript accountof a meeting with Melba, by Ailwyn Best, entitled 'How I sang with Melba'; and, 'Panoramic Sydney', a booklet of panoramic photographs of Sydney published in the early 20th century.
1 result

Transportation records (Ireland to Australia) held by the National Archives of Ireland (as filmed by the AJCP), 1788-1868

194 items
Abstract Or Scope
These records relate to transported convicts and some free settlers who applied to accompany convicts to Australia.
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Collection of photographs taken by RV Simpson, approximately 1910-1930's, 1910-1939

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This collection consists of photographs including rural and urban scenes from New South Wales and Tasmania. The images depict pastoral activities, landscapes and the area around Sydney Harbour.

Collection of exhibition prints by James Stening, Approximately 1908-1955, 1908-1955

Abstract Or Scope
Collection of photographs of rural New South Wales including the Blue Mountains, Sydney and Hobart. Photographs depict fishing and sailing boats, bullock teams and rural landscapes. Includes exhibition sign.
2 results

Ferguson collection of group portraits, approximately between 1885 and 1930, 1885-1930

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Includes photographs of social events and celebrations.

Ferguson collection of photographs and prints, Approximately 1820-1963

Abstract Or Scope
Collection includes images of buildings in Australia and New Zealand, and depictions of rural scenes.