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Papers of Maslyn Williams, 1850-1995

12.3 metres (70 ms boxes + 2 medium folio boxes + 7 map folios)
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The collection includes material about Williams' World War II service and items pertaining to the photographer Damian Parer; research notes and manuscripts relating to publications about Asia; research note and manuscripts relating to Australian historical research and other writings; research notes and manuscripts relating to the history of the British Phosphate Commission; papers relating to the founding of the National Music Camp Association; other papers including drafts of writings.

Papers of Mary E. White, 1984-2007

38 Cold Store binders [9097 slides]
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This collection comprises slides taken by Jim Frazier during fieldwork with Mary E White. The images, which document fossils, landscapes, minerals and other geological features, were used for many of her publications including "The Greening of Gondwana" (1986), "Time in Our Hands: Semi-Precious Gemstones: Keys to the Geological Past" (1991), "Nature of Hidden Worlds: Reading the rock" (1999) and others. It provides a valuable documentary record of Australia's unique geology and landscape and is a testament to changing relationship of Australia's to the environment. Many of the slides have annotated housing with outlines, species names, measurements, and other information. There is also a small number of photographic prints and negatives included in the collection.
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Orange, New South Wales : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia, N.D.

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Material in the Geography and Travel ephemera collection covers significant information about the geography, history, and tourist activities of places in Australia, its Antarctic and island territories. This includes geographical features, national parks and reserves, regions, cities, towns, buildings and other man-made structures. The collection includes advertising material, pamphlets, price lists, tokens, area and accommodation guides, brochures, postcards, stickers, labels and tickets.
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Papers of Manning Clark, 1907-1992

30.3 metres (198 boxes, 1 folio box)
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The papers that make up this collection were almost entirely created and assembled in Clark's home in Canberra. There is relatively little material on his teaching, his supervision of postgraduate students or his other official duties at Melbourne University, Canberra University College and the Australian National University. Similarly, there are few papers on his work for the Australia Council, the Australian Society of Authors and other organisations. Instead, the papers document his family life and friendships, his private thoughts and ideas, his travels, the research and writing of all his books and a huge number of articles, lectures, broadcasts, addresses and reviews, and his involvement in public debates and discussions. The bulk of the collection dates from about 1950 until his death in 1991.
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Papers and photographs of Jim Taylor, 1914-1987

0.9 metres (7 boxes)
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Papers and records documenting Taylor's career as a Patrol Officer (kiap) in the New Guinea Highlands in the period 1927-49. The major component of the collection comprises photographs taken on the famous Hagen-Sepik Patrol led by Taylor in 1938-39. Taylor's patrol diary and reports, together with workbooks, field notes, letters and other papers accumulated during the expedition are represented amongst the supporting documentation. Other items of interest include materials recording the Bena-Hagen Patrol (1933-34), correspondence concerning the Leahy gold discovery, vocabularies, pocket diaries, lecture notes, papers relating to early post-World War II administrative policy and notes about Taylor's post-government career.
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Henry Deane collection of photographs, ca. 1880 - ca. 1940

photographs; black and whitepostcards; black and white and in colour
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Henry Deane, engineer and scientist, and later, botanist, arrived in Sydney January 1880 and was appointed a railway surveyor. Collection includes Deane family photographs, snapshots and portraits; snapshots of guests, including Annie Besant, at Theosophical Society garden parties in England. Also includes postcards from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Sri Lanka and Switzerland.
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Papers of Marion Halligan, 1900-2023 (bulk 1980s-2010s)

(84 ms boxes + 2 cartons + 4 small cartons + 1 folio-box + 1 large folio-box + 1 map-folio + 2 binders + 32 digital carriers + 34 audiovisual carriers)
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The MS 8460 consignment comprises papers relating to Marion Halligan's prolific career as an author. There are drafts of her books, short stories and reviews and papers relating to her participation in numerous literary events. There is a large series of correspondence, the bulk of which is business related. Included is correspondence with literary agents Curtis Brown, numerous publishers regarding publication of Halligan's books, editors of journals and newspapers regarding publication of her short stories, reviews, essays and articles and with organisations regarding personal appearances. There is also correspondence with other authors, many of whom have become personal friends. Correspondents include Carmel Bird, Judith Brett, David Brookes, Manning Clark, Robert Dessaix, Geoffrey Dutton, Roseanne Fitzgibbons, Mem Fox, Susan Hawthorne, A.D. Hope, Nicholas Jose, Stephen Knight, Drusilla Modjeska, Douglas Muecke, Michael Symons, Brenda Niall, Ric Throssell, Nancy Sawer and Barbara Kerr Wilson (33 boxes, 1 fol. box).
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Anzacs and Anzac Day 2020 - 2029 : programs and invitations ephemera material collected by the National Library of Australia, 2020 - 2029

1 collection
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Material includes Order of Services, concert and event programs, song and hymn sheets, and lecture programs for events held in New South Wales, and Victoria.
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ANZAC Day, 25 April 2022 1 leaflet Box [unnumbered]


Papers of the Gladwin Family, 1428-1891

0.78 metres (1 archives box + 3 large folios)
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This collection is a typical family assemblage of legal documents beginning in the early fifteenth century and relating to the Gladwin Family's holdings in the Manors of Nettswell and Northweld in Essex, England. The Gladwins disposed of their holdings when they came to Australia in the mid-nineteenth century, but brought the documents with them. The documents survived much travel with the family in Australia over the last hundred years. They are in excellent condition, beautifully written, and are good examples of the kind of manorial court documents of title held by "copyholders" or "tenants", of which there are very few if any, examples in Australia.

Papers of Grace Nolan, 1929-2021

(3 ms boxes + 22 audiovisual carriers + [5] digital carriers + 10 colour photographs)
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This collection comprises folk stories told by Grace Nolan's mother, Carmela Speranza, from her birth town in Italy, collected through audio and audiovisual recordings. The collection includes manuscripts by Grace Nolan titled "More Stories My Mother Told Me" and "The Sun My Father The Moon My Mother", which further the work she began in her thesis. These writings explore the oral tradition of storytelling and provide further background and collected stories. The stories have been recorded in the original dialect and translated into English by Grace Nolan, providing insight into the life of a migrant woman in Melbourne in the 1950s. The collection also includes copies of related publications, Folklore Della Calabria Vol 1 and Vol 2 by A. Basile (Ed) and
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