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[Indonesian film posters], 1976-2014

5.4 metres (314 items in 6 poster drawers)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection of posters of Indonesian films produced between 1976 to 2014 in various genres including romance, drama, comedy, thriller, action, horror. Posters range in size from A3 and A0.
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1976 4 items Drawer 15, Ephemera OS


1977 8 items Drawer 15, Ephemera OS


1979 3 items Drawer 15, Ephemera OS


Roger Johnson Collection of Architectural Plans, c.1941 - c.1989

35 collections in 35 map folders
Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes sets of architectural plans and drafts ordered by year and subject, from 1941-1989. The first series comprises Johnson's university studies commencing 1941, and including his Masters Thesis (1949). The second series covers Johnson's overseas work including East Africa and Burma, and ongoing commissions in Britain. The third and largest series primarily covers Johnson's period in Australia, including work for the University of Western Australia, National Capital Development Commission, Canberra, and other Australian institutions.
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Papua New Guinea 2012 National General Election, 2006-2012

1 collection (miscellaneous pieces)
Abstract Or Scope
Covers mainly printed materials issued by the PNG Electoral Commission for the 2012 Papua New Guinea National General elections. The range of ephemera includes posters, electoral officials' training guides, HIV-AIDS information and voter education material, posters, maps, newspapers, dummy voting forms. Features some unusual non-print political collectibles such as a ballot box, a booth for women voters, T-shirts and caps. Includes some material originally produced for the 2007 election.
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Area maps, undated 4 items Drawer Broadside 630


Oskars Pumpurs Map Collection, ca. 1950-1982

1019 items in 30 folders
Abstract Or Scope
Comprises published and manuscript planning maps of Canberra, including Gungahlin, Belconnen, Tuggeranong, Woden, Kambah, Watson and Hackett and architectural plans of residential and non-residential buildings as well as maps of Murrumbateman, Queanbeyan and the proposed township of West Murrumbidgee in the A.C.T. It also includes general maps relating to Australia, Victoria and New South Wales and some overseas maps.

Lawrence FitzGerald Map Collection, ca. 1958-1988

369 items in 6 map folders. 9 Manuscript Boxes of documents also held by Maps Branch.
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Donovan Clark Map Collection, c.1927 - c.1983

46 items in 2 map folders
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Overseas and Australian tourist and topographic maps collected by Donovan Clarke. Some maps are annotated with notes and travel routes. Comprises items 1-46.
1 result

C.S. Hertz Map Collection, 1914-1966

82 items in 6 map folders
Abstract Or Scope
Map collection of manuscript and published World War I maps of Belgium, France, Anzac Cove, the Dardanelles and Great Britain. The collection includes maps of German aircraft raids in England in 1915–1917, trench maps, mapping of France and Belgium by Ordnance Survey of Great Britain, aerial photographs and a strategic map of Malay published in 1941 by the Sunday Telegraph collected by Cyril Sidney Hertz. Some maps contain manuscript annotations.
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Sheila Scott Map Collection, 1943-1977

105 items in 5 map folders + 1 box
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Aeronautical charts collected by Sheila Scott for flight navigation. Many charts are annotated with flight routes, calculations and notes.

Papers of Anna Reynolds, 1998-2004

(503 digital files)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection primarily comprises material created and maintained by Anna Reynolds during her time as founder and coordinator of the Climate Action Network Australia (CANA), 1998-2001. CANA is "... a network of organisations working together to protect people from climate change and its impacts, to safeguard our natural environment, and to build a fairer and healthier Australia". The collection includes conference programs, reports, correspondence, budget and funding files, website content, files relating to the World Wildlife Fund, media releases, planning and briefing documentation, subject files, tax campaigns, CANA directories, presentations, submissions and meeting files.
1 result

Timor-Leste elections 2007, 2007

1 collection (folders of miscellaneous pieces)
Abstract Or Scope
Material produced for the 1st and 2nd round presidential elections held in East Timor on April 9 and May 9 and the Parliamentary elections held on June 30, 2007. Includes material issued by various political parties, presidential candidates and government agencies, such as posters, booklets, flyers, forms, CDs/DVDs, how to vote information, stickers, badges, and election observer I.D. Most material produced by STAE, CNE, UNDP.
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